"Some names of boards are literal, describing how a board goes or looks, like the Fish and Egg to name a few. Some are just born from time, and the Elveen is Elveen because I can’t spell Eleven. As in 6'11”.
Anyway, I shaped this 6'11” for one of the guys here at the factory. He wanted an egg-ish 2 plus 1 with a smooth and reliable planning/turning surface, like a modern engine in a classic chassis. Turns out, he really liked it, as did everyone who rode it.
We found you could apply shortboard-type thinking, like coming a bit more square off the bottom into a tight pocket wrap, yet all smoothed out, flowing and linking turns and high lines with the classic style and dependability of a 3 fin-er. The ingredients that allow this type of surfing are the very Mctavish bottom shape; forward bevels into a deep single to double concave to spiral vee, 2-plus-1 fin set up, medium to low tail and fuller pod—a combination proven for 30-plus years in boards like the Fireball, Carver and more.
The Elveen appeals to both the longboarder looking to downsize into something shorter with a more reactive feel and the alternate-shortboarder seeking a mid-length that feels familiar but with all benefits like line-up navigation (paddle power) flow through turns, speed and glide on tap."
- Ben McTavish


Chined Rail
The chine rails keep it forgiving, less catching rail in the pocket so you can surf tight.

Volume in the right places
Enough foam makes it a reliable and easy paddler with the right amount of energy and power in the back end to load up tight turns in the pocket.

2+1 Fins
Tight fin cluster drives hard, pivots super-loose and flies down the line.