An obvious tip of the hat must go to a guy they called the wounded seagull - King of the twin - Mr Mark Richards. The Slip differs in the fact that while M.R was tuning beak-nose single fins into wider tail swallows with 2 fins, we have gone the other way and taken a high-performance shortboard and wound it back a bit by chopping off excessive nose length, adding a swallow and subtle flyer, but retaining the single to double concave (inside Vee) which is so reliable in a well shaped shortboard. Making the transition from a performance board fairly seamless, unlike the more dramatic jump to a genuine Californian inspired fish.
The Slip responds well to front foot motivation, and generates speed quickly over the single concave and chine bottom rail. It flies through the flats, yet when you shift your weight back over the fins and flyer combo, it has a comfortable release point that is slippery but in no means out of control. If you feel the tail is drifting too much for your liking click in the rear stabiliser, making this a really versatile board.
The Slip definitely sits in the daily rider category - it has the benefits of a vintage flash-back (extra foam under the chest & lower entry rocker) but the comfort and predictability of a modern shortboard.


Beak nose
Looks rad … and the way to foil the rails without scooping all the foam away.

Two Fin
Slide but hold, thanks MR.

Swallow tail
A wide tail. Twins go better with 2 pins.