Since we started our McTavish Trim event a few years back, we've become intrigued by longer, flatter boards to generate more down-the-line speed in a vast variety of conditions. The power to turn junk, into waves - The ability to catch any small ripple, and early. After a steady series of R&D boards we’re finally ready to launch our glider, fondly called Sugar. Get it? 10 foot plus, with a soft roll up front to slide through bump and chop. Low rocker, with an elegant pin-tail template. A flattish engine but with sufficient tail lift to get you down and around crumbling sections. A sweet Tracker fin - Plenty of paddle-power - Incredible resin art. The Sugar is ready to rumble as a unique glider ready to extend your ride.


Pin tail
Fluid zig-zags all the way to the sand but also works in beach-breaks to help negotiate the different pockets and suck-outs.

The gift of length
Length = glide and paddle-power… combined with flatter rocker allows for great momentum, allowing you to speed through sections.

50/50 pinched Rails
Plus a little help from vee entry allows you to engage rail and slice through chop.