Made to Order Custom Sugar 11'3" - 12'2"
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Can't quite find the perfect stock board or none currently available? Get one Made to Order. Once you've checked out, one of our friendly sales staff will give you a call or email and talk through your order, as well as organise any freight or accessories you might need. We can ship to you (almost) anywhere in the world! Additional charges may apply if you're interested in custom art.Read more Read less
Can't quite find the perfect stock board or none currently available? Get one Made to Order. Once you've checked out, one of our friendly sales staff will give you a call or email and talk through... Read more Read less

Since we started our McTavish Trim event a few years back, we've become intrigued by longer, flatter boards to generate more down-the-line speed in a vast variety of conditions. The power to turn junk, into waves - The ability to catch any small ripple, and early. After a steady series of R&D boards we’re finally ready to launch our glider, fondly called Sugar. Get it? 10 foot plus, with a soft roll up front to slide through bump and chop. Low rocker, with an elegant pin-tail template. A flattish engine but with sufficient tail lift to get you down and around crumbling sections. A sweet Tracker fin - Plenty of paddle-power - Incredible resin art. The Sugar is ready to rumble as a unique glider ready to extend your ride.

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