The Fish itself needs no introduction, every surfer has either had one, ridden one or has at the very least seen one. The Fish was no doubt the catalyst for the alternate surfboard scene we've seen over the last 15 plus years. In 2004 I was privileged to receive 2 templates from Mr Fish himself Steve Lis, via my shaping buddy at the time Dain Thomas. I have literally just about worn them out! I use the curves on so many different boards from performance short boards , single fins, guns, and of course LisFish. So all credit goes to Steve Lis. Enter 2016 and the Fish is back! (or never left for some folk, yours truly included). Steve’s original lines are the base for our Vinnie but this time round I have pulled the nose in and added a slight side cut to pull the tail in a fraction making backside more manageable. Combining this with a smaller fin template and altered fin position, it gives the Vinnie beautiful release off the top and a feeling of control. With the generous chest volume and forgiving 60/40 forward rail the Vinnie is a super reliable daily Twinny.


Glamour Glass
The quality glass will give you a lifetime of surfs but also more drive for your glide.

Extended tucked edge
Longer crisper open face carves are a compliment to the heavier construction.

Glass on rudders
Dolphins don’t have removable fins. Just wax up and go surfing.